Support Our Mission
Help power the Political Movement

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Donate By Check
Republican Party of Olmsted County
Please make money orders and Checks Payable to:
P.O. Box 6201
Rochester MN 55903-6201

PCR Refund
Minnesota’s Political Contribution Refund program reimburses up to $75 of qualifying political contributions per year per person. Joint donations are reimbursed up to $150. Would you consider increasing your donation by the amount of your reimbursement?
Thank you for considering a donation.
Your money will stay in Olmsted county to make a difference, here. It will be used to help us:
Elect Republican endorsed candidates
Spread the Republican message of government limited to protecting individual rights and the rule of law
We cannot accept corporate donations.

You do not need a PayPal account to process a credit card.
You will be asked for an e-mail address for receipt retrieval. E-mails will not be retained for any other purpose.
Donate by Bill Pay
If you would like to make a one-time or periodic donation via your financial institution's Bill Pay service, we are happy to have you do so. Drop a line to our treasurer at treasurer@olmstedgop.org for our account details.