BPOU Leaders
Deputy Chair
Wendy Phillips
Ted Krall
Gale McEvoy
Brenda Hiniker
Ken Navitsky
Dan Nelson
Elena Niehoff
Don Nogosek
Rick Nolting
Bob Ranfranz
Jan Throndson
Becky Sprenger
Dan Marsolek
Luke Dieser
Jim Niehoff
BPOU is an acronym for Basic Political Organizational Unit; the smallest building block of the Republican party. A BPOU may be a county, state house district, or state senate district. Here, it is a county: Olmsted.
The BPOU, or county party, has a constitution by which it abides. A link to ours can be found, below. The county party is run by its Central committee, comprised of precinct officers, the Executive committee, and various at-large members.
The Central committee and, especially, the Executive committee — Exec — ensure that conventions are held, caucuses are run, candidates are fielded, and the party message is sent and received.
Each year, in late Winter or early Spring, a BPOU convention is held. In even numbered years, its main orders of business are election of delegates for congressional district and state conventions, and the presentation, discussion, and voting on resolutions passed at precinct caucuses. In odd numbered years, the convention’s main orders of business are election of BPOU officers and our representatives to the state party’s Central committee, and amendments to our Constitution.
Districts & Party Links
State Party
In 2022, districts were redrawn based on the 2020 U.S. census.